Inner Track At Aqueduct

by Howard A. Rowe

With the opening of Aqueduct's inner track, the winterized surface offers exceptional opportunities for the horses that train over that course.

For the next few months those horses which exercise daily at Aqueduct enjoy a bit the best of it, because training over the inner course provides a definite advantage for the 400 or more horses stabled at Ozone Park hippodrome.

During November the starters emanating from Aqueduct stables were fewer than usual, but with the inner course open you will find many more finding their way into the entries on a daily basis.

The track program may not indicate the horses who have won as far back as last season's winter meeting, so you'll have to do a little research to find those horses that were able to win previously over the inner course. Past performances ordinarily don't extend beyond eight races, so it's necessary either by inquiry or digging up old publications to discover those horses who showed a distinct liking for the inner track in 1995.

Of course, there were many winners over the track that shipped in from Belmont or outlying regions last year, so it would be foolish to discount the chances of these visitors.

Gasper Moschera, for instance, who stables at Belmont, does very well running his horses over the inner track and quite a few other Belmont trainers habitually win during the winter session. Repeat winners can be expected particularly in the early weeks of inner track racing.


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